Currently more than 23,000 Norwegian students are studying abroad, spreading over 90 countries.
It is estimated that approximately 20% of Norwegian students will go abroad during their study period so in comparison to other OECD countries, Norway has a large share of national students enrolled abroad.
The Government of Norway offers various financial support for Norwegian students abroad such as basic support in the form of a loan together with travel expenses for two return trips home, together with language grants and tuition support available.
In terms of destinations, United Kingdom and Denmark have attracted the most students from Norway for a number of years. Close to 30% were studying in the United Kingdom. The second most popular destination was Denmark.
Students abroad choose different fields of education to students in Norway. Among degree students abroad in 2016, three out of ten were enrolled in health, welfare and sport. Another 20% of the students abroad were participating in social sciences and law and in business and administration.
Education programmes abroad that are not easily accessible in Norway – such as medicine, veterinary, dentist and psychology – attract students from Norway. The growing number of programmes taught in English in Eastern European countries has attracted students from Norway pursuing a degree in medicine, veterinary and dental studies.
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