Order Summary

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Product Qty Price Total
IEFT International Education Fairs of Turkey Roadshow- Fall, Ankara 08 Oct 2022
Working Space ( All Cities Selected)
1 1575.00 1575.00
IEFT International Education Fairs of Turkey Roadshow- Fall, Izmir 18 Oct 2022
Working Space ( All Cities Selected)
1 1575.00 1575.00
IEFT International Education Fairs of Turkey Roadshow- Fall, Istanbul (Asian side) 20 Oct 2022
Working Space ( All Cities Selected)
1 1575.00 1575.00
IEFT International Education Fairs of Turkey Roadshow- Fall, Istanbul 22 Oct 2022 - 23 Oct 2022
5m2 Standard Equipped Stand (When all cities selected)
1 3151.00 3151.00
IEFT International Education Fairs of Turkey Roadshow- Fall, Istanbul 24 Oct 2022 - 26 Oct 2022
Agent Workshop
1 2617.00 2617.00
10493.00 10,493
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